The Fund


Technology of Future Ltd.


Kensington House, 69 Dr. Roy Drive, George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-1104, Cayman Islands

Fund Domicile

Cayman Islands


The Fund is registered with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority as “Limited Investor” Fund (Registration № 1669032)

Base Currency


Fund Manager

Maxim Achkasov


MSCI World (USD) index (Bloomberg: MXWO) used for performance comparison only

NAV Calculation

Monthly (daily available upon request)



Management Fee

1.5% per annum

Performance Fee


High Water Mark


Hurdle Rate


Admin Fees

max 0.40%


Cohen & Company International (Cayman)


Stuarts Walker Hersant Humphries
Zell & Associates International Advocates LLC

Maxim Achkasov, Portfolio Manager with 28 years of investment experience.

After early sell-side roles at Smith Barney (now CITIBANK, in both New York & London) and Deutsche Bank (Moscow), Maxim started work as a portfolio manager in 2008, when he teamed with Pohjola Asset Management, a Finnish firm with $30bn under management.

Between 2008 and 2011, he served as Co-Fund Manager of Pohjola’s OP Russia Fund (BBG: POHRUSB FH), contributing to an increase in the fund assets under management (AUM)

from €130m to €660m.

Technology of the Future Fund

In August 2019, Maxim launched the Technology of the Future Fund, with an AUM-capacity of approximately US$1bn. The Fund is essentially an updated version of a previous institutional product that he managed.

Maxim’s international background and global acumen are the results of wide-ranging cultural experience from different countries in regulated and unregulated environments, and in emerging and developed markets. With both buy- and sell-side experience, his investment management abilities have been fine-tuned through his work with leading corporations and some of the largest institutional investors.

For optimal performance and maximal client satisfaction, Maxim believes in absolute return investing, a concentrated portfolio, and execution capability. His robust approach mitigates volatility in share price performance over his 36-month rolling investment horizon.

Our Values

We win with integrity and transparency. We prefer to under-promise and over-deliver.

We strive for a culture of excellence: constantly improving, continuously learning. Losses happen. We recognize them and learn from them.

We feel responsible for our results, for the world around us, and for the people who need help. Our actions and behaviors should support society as a whole.

We get paid for results, not for an academically smart-looking portfolio.